Short but it was ok, Nice backround and all.
Short but it was ok, Nice backround and all.
I haven't seen your other animation but this one is pretty cool.
Really? Nah, the animation might look solid, but if you really look you'll see it's really simple. Bear in mind that I did this over a year ago. I'll be submitting some up-to-date-stuff soon.
P.s. I didn't expect people to like this.
Wow, totatlly unexpected, lol nice one
Not bad.
Nice,but try working on the sound a bit, I could hardly understand what he was saying
Lol, nice flash, I liked the song, too bad he died ;_;
Luis is a great flash animator btw ;)
alright thanks a lot
That was awesome, lol I'm going to see it again =P
Funny song =D
Piconjo pwned me
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I am a vegetarian, Kevin Bacon
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